Monday, January 28, 2013

A Belated Post

I've decided to go back in time for this blog as I haven't yet mentioned the rest of the trip to Bhutan. I think I was just getting on the plane to Bangkok in my first entry so I'll just continue from there. Because my mom rocks I didn't have to stay in the airport for the 20 or so hours in between flights. The only thing was, and I realise this is a strange thing to complain about, it was a really nice hotel. I'm used to backpackers where they give you your key and sometimes your bedding and off you go. I'm really not used to having my luggage carried for me, the lift button pressed and even my napkin placed on my lap for me. Of course, as one of the world's most important people I deserve it, but it still made me feel slightly awkward.
Sadly I don't have any wonderful adventures to tell about wandering the streets of Bangkok as food, shower and sleep were really the only things on my mind (and T'eo's welfare of course) so you'll have to make do with the slightly dull events that took place in the hotel.
Lunch was pretty much the main event. After the waiter insisted on pulling out my chair for me and putting my napkin on my lap (yes that was at lunch. A hotel employee didn't just randomly come up and put a napkin on my lap) I discovered that I had slightly forgotten how to read. Sleep deprivation is a wonderful thing. So I pointed to something in the soup section, asked if it was spicy and when I was told that it wasn't decided to go with that. Yes, I know, you all want some strange eel and urchin stew (neither of which I think are even staples of Thai food) to be placed in front of me but sorry to disappoint, it was just beef noodle soup. The fun things about lunch were firstly the little band they had playing which gave us things like 'Fly Me to the Moon' and some Burt Bacharach. They had an interesting way of playing that gave the impression that they weren't sure if they wanted anyone to hear them. Kind of like when you're practising when there are other people in the house and you try and play just loud enough to actually get the note out but desperately trying to be soft enough so they don't know you're playing at all. This style of playing can also give the impression that you aren't quite sure what the note should be. I'm sure they did know but it sounded like an elementary school band who suddenly realised they really didn't practise enough.
The other form of amusement during lunch was a clown. At the Novatel in Bangkok they have a clown. More accurately they have a guy dressed up in a clown costume who looks as happy, relaxed and natural as a cat who has been dressed up in dolls' clothes by a seven year old. He was making balloon animals and things for the diners. At one point he came up and gave me a balloon flower, which was very nice of him but I was reading 'Coraline' at the time and those of you who have read 'Coraline' will know that you don't want someone to come up and touch your arm with a balloon flower while you're reading. I jumped quite noticeably which, in turn, startled the clown, but I was able to laugh and thank him and fortunately the half dozen Australians at the next table were very receptive and kept him busy for the next fifteen minutes making all sorts of balloon artworks. Sadly I couldn't quite put the flower in my luggage but I did take a picture of it! 

And Mr Gideon had a friend to keep him company.

Hugs to All and take care!

P.S. All hikers returned safely but none of them actually found the Buddha!

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