Greetings! Now I have the huge problem of trying to fit everything that has happened in the last 6 weeks into one blog. Fortunately for you I won't really try to. I did start a post just over a month ago and have been adding bits to it every so often but I forgot to save it onto a usb so it's stuck on my laptop at home. I'll do my best to just remember the interesting bits.
A very belated and happy Saint Porkin's Day to you all! Normal people call it Star Wars Day and even normal-er people call it May the fourth. (If you can't work out why that's Star Wars Day I'm not going to tell you.) I celebrated the day by watching one of the most dreaded movies in the world,
The Star Wars Holiday Special. I wasn't brave enough to watch the original version but instead watched the Rifftrack of it. It did make the day special because, to quote the Rifftrax boys, it's not everyday you get to see the stupidest thing you've ever seen.
Other fun things include the boys' and girls' house volleyball competition where the Ravens came fourth and second respectively. Sadly, I forgot my camera for the girls' games but managed to get a few shots of the boys' games. Which I've just found out you won't be seeing today as I seem to have deleted off my usb when I copied them to another teacher's computer. Whoops. Well here's one from the football match.
Oh no, a football! Hold me! Only if you hold me! |
I realise that what they're doing is probably a well-used strategy but it still looks funny. I could also have shown you photos from the match between the Jibjokha and Tashidenkha teachers, no I didn't actually play, but you'll have to wait for those too. (I have just sent a message to the teacher asking him to not delete any of the photos until I can copy them back so you can relax. I'm sure you were very worried) Sadly, we lost the match 2-1 but it was still fun as I got to go to Tashidenkha and see a bunch of my students from last year who were worried that I had forgotten them. As if I could ever forget students who wrote such funny answers in their exams! I did get chastised by one of the teachers because while I was catching up with my old students, I missed him kicking Jibjokha's only goal. How dare I talk to students! I was so ashamed of myself.
We also had the very first spelling bee ever at Jibjokha. And it is purely coincidental that I organised it and my house won. (It really was. I was nervous about giving the Ravens too much help so I helped all the houses). Words like 'thylacine' and 'rehabilitation' were spelled beautifully. Sadly, words like 'feast' and 'friend' proved too difficult for some contestants but on the whole I was very proud of my spellers.
My choir also had their very first performance! It was National Forestry Day last Monday (June 2nd) and since it's also the anniversary of the 4th King's coronation all schools had a celebration and planted trees. I wasn't told about this until the last minute so we didn't have much time to rehearse but the kids really wanted to perform. So we did 'Yellow Submarine.' They looked lovely, all dressed in yellow and all the girl's had yellow ribbons in their hair which I managed to find in Thimphu. (The ribbons, not their hair) I offered ribbons to the boys as well but they declined. They performed with enormous smiles and great enthusiasm. The only thing which could have made it better would have been if they had actually got one of the notes right but everyone seemed to enjoy themselves so I don't think it matters and I managed to keep a straight face. I was trying to think of other songs with 'Yellow' in the title so we could use the ribbons again but the only two I could think of were 'Isty-Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini' which always gives me flashbacks to what so easily could have been an international incident back in Pakistan (not me, a girl called Karen Binger should have worn more on stage in an Islamic country) and 'Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree' which wouldn't be terribly appropriate either. Any other suggestions, please let me know.
Wish my kids luck as exams start on the 20th! Some of them will have to answer questions on the stories of Nintendo games so hopefully they'll have some fun. Not too many exams ask questions on space pirates and aliens.
Hugs to all and I miss T'eo!